Fab Abbs 2021- 7 Day Challenge

Ready to put the post Christmas weight gain behind you.

And wave goodbye to the havoc that Miss Rona 2020 left upon us?

Get involved with my free 7 day Fab Abbs Workout.

As a team we’ll be logging on to Zoom for 15 minutes each day at a regular time to kick start 2021 back into action.

Only 15 minutes burning the core each day, it’s easy to fit into the schedule and consistent.

Whatever your fitness experience, do not worry. We can adapt the exercises to suit you if youre just getting started with your fitness. Or if you’re looking for some hardcore burning and definition on the abbs then this is where you need to be!

To sign up follow the Facebook Page, and then group for Fab Abbs 2021.

See you there!


Having Trouble Hitting Your Protein Target?