Has Lockdown Affected Your Sleep?

Has lockdown affected your sleep?

Sleep is detrimental to a healthy body and mind.

I have had a lifetime of sleeping problems- sleepwalking, night terrors, and even sleep paralysis. I want to teach some of the things that have helped me overcome this that can also help you, if you just start by applying some of these methods.

Poor sleep = High cortisol levels = More difficulty meeting your fitness goals! Whether thats losing weight or gaining muscle mass.

Here are 10 ways guaranteed to make you sleep better and put to bed all those bedtime stresses you currently have.

1. Log any persistent thoughts that are on your mind in a journal before you attempt to sleep

2. Practice deep breathing techniques whilst in a comfortable position

3. Play white noise sounds such as rainforest or ocean to relax the mind

4. Have a cool shower or a warm bath to relax the body before getting in bed

5. Relax the mind by doing something like reading a book or going for a gentle walk

6. Make your bedroom a sleeping sanctuary so you look forward to sleeping there

7. Stop working, eating or drinking roughly 90 mins before bedtime so you're not stressed nor needing to go to the toilet

8. Keep harmful rays (screens) away roughly 90 minutes before bedtime. If you must use a blue light filter

9. Make sure your duvet, pillows and mattress are suited to your preference and sleeping position

10. Make sure noises and lights are minimised as much as possible. For example traffic or devices on standby

If this post has helped you and you would like to remember these points save the post and follow for more helpful future posts


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